Bevendean Primary School
and Nursery

Governors's Information
Becoming a Governor
Who can become a Governor?
With very few exceptions anyone over the age of 18 can become a school governor.
Governing bodies are made up of individuals from all walks of life and should represent the diversity within our community, which they serve.
No formal qualifications are required but an interest and commitment to the education of children and young people is essential. It would also be important that you are able to read through and understand information easily.
It would also be necessary to have use of a laptop and home internet to be able to receive papers, check emails and attend meetings which are currently being held virtually.
What should I expect of the role?
Code of Conduct: As a governor you will need to adhere to our code of conduct below.
Preparation: It will be important that you are able to prepare for meetings by reading documents, reports and papers which are shared in advance of meetings to form probing and challenging questions.
Time Commitment: According to the National Governance Association the average time commitment is 5 to 8 hours per month. However, this will vary according to your position on the board, number of emails, your linked governor role, committee membership, training needs, the needs of the school and so on.
Training: There is an expectation that that governors will attend statutory and other training to ensure they are able to carry out their role effectively, such as safeguarding training and an induction programme.
Length of Service: The usual term of office is four years. However, governors are volunteers who can leave at any time and can similarly be re-appointed or re-elected in order to continue their role.
Enhanced DBS Check: In order that you can visit the school, a DBS check will be carried out unless you already hold a valid DBS. This will be arranged and paid for by the school as part of the induction process.
Diversity is important and we want the Governing Body to be increasingly reflective of the community we serve. The Governing Body therefore collects diversity data from its members. The diversity data is confidential but is regularly analysed by the Governing Body and used in recruitment and training.
Impact Report
A Governing Body impact report for the year 2022-23 is available below for your information.
Records of Attendance of Meetings
The Constitution of Governing Bodies in Maintained Schools requires Governing Bodies to publish individual Governors' attendance at meetings in the last year. Governors' initials are listed along the top and meetings are listed on the left hand side. Please see "Governing Body members and responsibilities" and "Minutes of meetings" for full names.
The attendance of Governing Body members at Full Governing Body and Committee meetings is available to view below.
Register of Interests
All Governors have to declare on an annual basis any interest which may conflict with their role on the Governing Body. The 2024-25 Register of Interests is available to view and download below.
Minutes of meeting of Full Governing Body - available to view and download
Minutes of FGB 3rd October 2024 - to be agreed
Minutes of meeting of Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee -
available to view and download
Minutes of FPP 17th October 2024 - to be agreed
Minutes of meeting of Curriculum, Standards and Welfare Committee -
available to view and download