Bevendean Primary School
and Nursery

Headteacher's Welcome

Mr Mark Dally
I have worked at Bevendean Primary School since 2016. In January 2023, I became the Headteacher. Bevendean Primary School and Nursery is an excellent school; the children who attend are engaged, inquisitive and have a love for learning.
Welcome to Bevendean Primary School and Nursery
Bevendean Primary School and Nursery really is a fantastic school, and I am really proud to be Headteacher at this great school!
We have an exceptional staff team of 16 class teachers, Nursery to Year 6; including a facility for deaf children. Our Nursery offers 15 hours free nursery provision each week. We have three learning mentors, 22 teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants supporting in class along with a further 10 office / administration and facilities staff.
The sense of care and commitment to our children is evident throughout the school and you can be sure that your child will be known as an individual and very well cared for (Pupils are safe and cared for by all staff - Ofsted, December, 2019).
We take great pride in knowing our children well! All our staff value friendliness, team-work, and support as some of their core values, and this shows through when you visit our school.
Our aim is to provide exciting and high quality teaching and learning which challenges and motivates children to really become involved in their learning (Teachers plan ambitions and interesting lessons for all pupils; pupils remember what they have learned; misconception are picked up very swiftly and help is promptly given; challenge is given to all pupils - Ofsted, December, 2019).
OFSTED December 2019: Bevendean Primary School and Nursery continues to be a GOOD School. Here are some quotes from our report.
What is it like to attend our school?
- Pupils are happy and proud of their learning
- Staff are a strong and supportive team who work hard to make sure every pupil can achieve
- Pupils are safe and cared for by all staff
- Our school is a calm place because pupils respect the school rules
- Pupils behave well, listen carefully in class and play co-operatively with their friends
- Bullying is quickly dealt with by the school
- Our pupils respect the feelings and values of others and learn about the wider world
- Teachers plan ambitious and interesting lessons for all pupils, including those with special educational needs
- English and Maths are very well taught
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective
(Section 8 Ofsted Inspection: 4th & 5th December, 2019)
We develop quality ‘tools for learning’ and integrate these into our lessons; these are: Imagination; Taking Risks; Motivation; Concentration; Resilience; Making Connections; Keep Improving; Cooperation; Curiosity and Perseverance.
We are very proud of Bevendean Primary School & Nursery and look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Please do contact the school office of you are looking for a school place and would like to book a school visit.