Bevendean Primary School
and Nursery

Our Anti-Racist Approach

Our Anti-Racist Approach lead team: Rhiannon Jones and Tim Weekes.
Growing an Anti-Racist School
Over the past 12 months, Bevendean Primary School and Nursery has made developing an Anti-Racist Approach a priority and we have been very busy working on this important area. We have been supported in this by the Anti-Racist lead teachers in Brighton and Hove who have been instrumental in developing this city-wide strategy.
At Bevendean Primary School & Nursery, our SENCO and one of our Year 5 Teaching Assistants are taking the lead in this area. They have taken part in training and have attended conferences with the aim of improving the experiences of children of colour at our school.
Following initial whole school INSET, staff were then trained in delivering Anti-Racist lessons as part of the PSHE curriculum. Our lead staff put together an action plan for this 2023 - 2024 and moving forwards into next year. They have assessed where we are now so that they know what needs to be done next.
One of the most important pieces of work undertaken this year was improving our procedures when dealing with racist incidents. These are all now dealt with by our lead staff following a clear process (see flow chart attached). This ensures that any incidents that occur are addressed in a consistent and appropriate way by staff who know the process best. Later in the year we will be collecting pupil and parent / carer views in this area and asking their opinions on how we can best support our children and families of colour.