Bevendean Primary School
and Nursery

Governors's Welcome
A very warm welcome from all of the Governors at Bevendean to everyone in our school community - parents, pupils, staff, teachers, carers, prospective governors and neighbours.
From the start of the new academic year we have all been aware of how challenging this time has been and the new challenges we are all facing as individuals, families, a school and as a community. The staff, teachers, senior leadership team, the headteacher and governors are all working hard to ensure that Bevendean Primary School and Nursery continues to be a place where everyone can succeed and thrive.
Bevendean Primary School and Nursery is the heart of our community. It is a fantastic school with exceptional and committed staff. The School and Governors continue to work together with the common aim of providing a learning environment that is safe, inclusive and challenging to ensure children succeed and thrive now and in the future.
In December 2019, Ofsted continued to rate the school ‘Good’, which we are very proud of. Inspectors said:
“What is it like to attend this school?
This school is indeed ‘a place for everyone to succeed and thrive’. Pupils are happy, proud of their learning, confident that they are doing well and ambitious for their futures. Staff are a strong and supportive team who work hard to make sure that every pupil can achieve. One parent expressed the view of many when they said, ‘Each student is challenged to be the best possible version of themselves.’
Pupils are safe and cared for by all staff. School is a calm place because pupils respect the school rules. Pupils behave well, listen carefully in class and play cooperatively with friends at playtimes.
Staff encourage pupils to become well-rounded citizens. Pupils have many opportunities to take responsibility for themselves and others, for example as house captains. Pupils are proud to help. Pupils respect the feelings and values of others and learn about the wider world through assemblies, celebrations and in lessons.”
Congratulations to our headteacher Mr Dally, the senior leadership team, all our teachers, learning mentors, support staff, premises staff, parents, carers and pupils for making Bevendean Primary School and Nursery such a success.
Thank you.
From all the Governors at Bevendean.
Contact Us
Please remember that Governors deal with the strategic aspects of the school, not the operational. So if you have a concern with your child or any other day to day running of the school you will need to speak directly with the school, the class teacher or the headteacher. 
Should you wish to find out more about the work of the governing body with a view to becoming a governor or if you have any concerns or suggestions to make, then there are a number of ways you can contact us.
Clerk to Governors
Tom Way: tomway@bevendean.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Informal contact 
If you would like to have an informal chat with any of the governors, please contact the School office with your phone number or email address and they will arrange for a governor to contact you. As governors are not able to act individually they will always refer your comments on to the Chair and the whole governing body.
Parent Governors
You may also be able to find a parent governor in the playground either before or after school and you are welcome to approach them informally with suggestions, comments or concerns. However, they will arrange to contact you again to let you know what is being done. To find out who your parent governors are please go to our "About us" page.
Chair of Governors
You can write to the Chair of Governors through the school office. Office staff will ensure the Chair receives your letter. They will acknowledge your letter as soon as possible followed by a considered response either by phone, email or letter - whichever is the most appropriate. Alternatively, you may send correspondence to the clerk of governors.
If you have a complaint you will need to follow all the stages of the school’s complaints process and this will always mean contacting the most appropriate member of staff in the first instance to reach an appropriate solution.