On Wednesday the 13th March, Year 2 barked on an epic adventure through our capital city of London. This links to our Topic of the Great Fire of 1666 which Year 2 are now experts on! They can tell you all about Thomas Farriner's bakery, Samuel Pepys' diary and how the events of the fire unfolded. We also learnt about the fantastic London landmarks and the disgusting plague this term.
Our trip began very early and we boarded the coach around 8 o'clock, the children were very excited despite the long journey. We arrived in London and our first stop was the breath-taking Tower bridge where we had our delicious lunches and walked along the river Thames, opposite us we could see the historic Tower of London.
We hopped back on the coach and our fantastic driver gave us a coach tour of some of our other beloved landmarks like Big Ben and the houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Trafalagar Square (can't forget Lord Nelson!) and Piccadilly Circus.
Finally, we got off at the London Eye where we were all very brave and tackled our fear of heights (well mainly Mr.Rivett!), it took us half an hour to go round in total and we imagined what London would have looked like in 1666. We let our imaginations run wild and we explored the eye-catching London skyline.
Thank you so much to the parents for making the trip run so smoothly.
