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Year 3

Year 3

The Year 3 team are Miss Winks (Class Teacher and Phase Lead), Mr Kirkwood (Class Teacher), Miss Scott (TA) and Mrs Soraghan (TA).

In Autumn, our topic is Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We study what life was like for people during pre-historic times. How people lived, hunted, built homes and shelters and the animals that may have been around during that time. We learn about the discoveries of fire and metal ores and how creating bronze and then iron allowed people to make sharper, stronger weapons, objects and tools and how this transformed the way in which people lived. We use our knowledge to compare periods of history and make connections between the things they have learnt.
In Spring, our topic is Natural Disasters. This topic has more of a geography focus and the children learn what creates natural disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding and many more. We learn about what measures have been taken over time to protect people from Natural Disasters and we learn about parts of the world that are more affected than others and why. We study how Climate Change has made an impacted on some of the natural disasters and how looking into renewable sources of energy is of prime importance.
In Summer, our topic is The Romans. We explore the Roman Civilisation from its beginning until the collapse of Rome. We use historical and geographical skills to plot the spread of Rome and the invasion of Britain. We learn about the lifestyles of Roman people and how their architecture, laws, education, daily rituals have made a lasting impression on how we live today. We learn about key leaders and their legacies as well as learning about the Roman Gods, gladiators, arts and culture.
PE is on Thursday afternoons – please make sure you have a PE kit (including shoes) in school.
Homework is set half termly and children who achieve the target score get a reward in school. While homework should be independent, please support your child as appropriate. Daily reading at home is also part of our homework expectations. Times table Rockstars should be used to practice your times tables and children are expected to know their 2,3,4,5,10 times tables. If your child has any issues logging on to TTRS please speak with an adult in school.

Bevendean Primary School and Nursery

Heath Hill
Tel: 01273 681292

Heath Hill Aveue 




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