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Bevendean Primary School
and Nursery

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Year 6

The Year 6 team are Mr Dunk (class teacher), Mrs Vaughan (HLTA), Mrs Young (HLTA), and Miss James (HTLA).
Our P.E day is a Monday. Please ensure that children have full P.E kit in on a Monday and that it is appropriate for the weather.
Our topics for Autumn 2 Term are:
Maths: Fractions;
English text: Gaia, Goddess of the Earth;
Guided Reading: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief;
History and Geography: Ancient Greece;
Science: Healthy eating;
Design Technology: Making wooden mazes;
PSHE: Anti-Bullying and online safety;
Religious Education: Christianity.
This term is another busy one!
As well as all of our daily learning this term, we will also being learning and supporting, ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ (where the children wear odd socks 14/11/23) and ‘Children in Need’ (where the children come into school in PJ’s or lounge wear 17/11/23). Throughout these days, children will be completing different activities related to the events.
This year, Year 5 and 6 will be putting on a Christmas performance, some children will be acting and saying lines and other children will be signing with their classes. We try our best to include all children by asking them what role they’d like. The date for the performance will be sent out soon.
In the Spring term, our topic is World War II. We learn all about the history and geography of the war and create our own VE Day celebration bunting. As a class, we read stories including Anne Frank and The Lion and the Unicorn which give us insight into children’s experience of war time in Britain. We will be going on a school trip to visit a real bomb shelter and hear the experiences of people who were alive and living in Brighton at the time of World War II. We also begin to focus on preparation for our SAT’s after Christmas. This will include morning-time interventions. More information will be given to you nearer the time.
In Summer 1, we spend a couple of weeks revising for our SATs. These are held on the week beginning 13th May and will be finished by the Friday. After SAT’s, we begin our new topic which is India. We look at many different aspects of life in India and create beautiful artwork inspired by the Taj Mahal. Later in the term, we will go on our residential trip to Broadstone Warren – this is always a big highlight! We also begin to put together our Year 6 leaver’s performance and preparing the children for their transition to secondary school.
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