Welcome to Bevendean Nursery class. We have had a lovely start to the term by meeting all the new children and their parents, and welcoming back the children who started last year. Everyone has learnt the classroom routines really quickly. We have enjoyed using the visual timetable which has helped everyone to settle in to the class routines.
We have had fun learning about each other, which has included learning about each other’s families and the sort of houses we live in (our topic was ‘Ourselves’).
We have learnt lots of new songs and nursery rhymes, and we really enjoy our music sessions which take place once a week.
Some of us have begun to take responsibility for tidying up and putting away our toys when we have finished playing with them.
We have been learning to use a paintbrush, how to cut with scissors and how to use a glue stick to make collages and models.
One of our favourite things is ‘Story time’ and many of us choose to spend time in the book corner looking at familiar books and helping each other to re-tell the stories.
A new routine for us is sharing a singing assembly with the Reception classes, which we do once a week.
We can’t wait to show off our new songs to our grown-ups!