Year 6 has got off to a great start! Children have been very busy in all subjects and enjoying our Ancient Greece topic.
In Maths, we have been practising the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and have now moved on to BODMAS and percentages. The children are really impressing us with their knowledge and hard work.
In English, we have studied three different texts and looked at many genres of writing including descriptions, diary entries and letters. The children have produced some brilliant work and are improving in every session.
We have been studying the human circulatory system in Science. Children made their own 'blood soup' and acted out the system of blood cells moving around the body.
In Art, children focussed on the artist Alberto Giacometti and made their own sculptures inspired by his work and linked them to our learning about the Ancient Greek Olympics.
In Topic, we have studied many parts of Ancient Greek history incuding their architecture and myths. We looked at the location of their main city states and discussed the political systems used to rule them. We then compared this to how the U.K government is structured.
In P.E, children have been learning basketball and loving it! They have enjoyed learning the skills and playing team games together.
Please continue to make reading and homework a priority at home. We are really trying to build up the children’s stamina and independent work ethic at home, in order to prepare them for secondary school.
Thank you so much for your help and support so far this year.